Monday, July 28, 2008


Last week a group from Ft. Mitchell Baptist Church (in Kentucky) came out and hosted Vacation Bible School at our church. They brought some kids with them, which was great, becuase we only had a three kids from Valley Center the first two days. By the end of the week I think we had 12 kids, so that was very exciting.

Grace LOVED the whole thing. I mean, really, what is there not to like about VBS? There are fun songs with hand motions, crafts, story time, outside games, snacks and friends.
Grace got to hold the Bible up for the pledge to the Bible. By the end of the week, she was a pro.

Craft time!

Outside game time

Song time!

Snack time!

She made a Ukulele (or "luke-a-lady", as she calls it) which she loves!

Sea creature bowling...

more "luke-a-lady" fun

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