Saturday, November 27, 2010

Country girls

I wanted to take some pictures of the quilt I made for Grace a while back and while I was at it, I took some pictures of Elizabeth. This is the first time I have been able to take pictures of her outside as she is finally stable enough on her feet to stand and walk unassisted. She just happened to match the quilt so it worked out well.

She turned 15 months on Wednesday, I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Now if she will just finally learn to talk instead of grunting and pointing. :)

So much new stuff to explore in this new world
I couldn't resist including this one. I love how it captures her crazy silly face...
And she is off....I love how she always puts her arms out to balance when she walks.
Sisters, they love each other
It is so fun to watch them grow up and enjoy each others company

So far Ellie seems to take after her daddy and his love of dogs. We will see how she does as she grows, but for now, she is definitely the dog lover of the family. Don't ask me how I feel about the fact that she says "dog" and not "mama".......

Good thing Linus is such a good sport...

And Ladybug too..
Look at that smile....she was so proud of herself and her dog petting abilities...
Grace meanwhile, had run to safety in the wheel barrel.
She couldn't get out however so we went to rescue her. Ellie sat in the wheel barrel for a bit too, and I think it is the perfect picture of my two little country girls.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Announcing the arrival....

....of my new nephew David John! 8 lbs 5 oz, he is a bundle of cuteness!

Grace is so in love with him! She was kinda hogging the baby holding.

I overheard Grace telling Ellie after we got home: "The new babies name is David John Hilkon which is funny because his Grandpas name is John Hilkon , which is very similar"
Uncle Gun Gun
All the cousins!!
Kisses for baby David.
Big sister Elena.
The paparazzi already loves him!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Randomness from San Fran

Okay, so this is the 4th post from only a 24 hour trip, but I took a lot of pictures! :) This last batch I had trouble categorizing. Mostly becuase they don't go together, but I like them, becuase, just in case you hadn't figure it out yet, I think my kids are adorable and love sharing pictures of them. So instead of trying to get them to fit together, I figured I would just share the pictures and a little bit of what was going on in them.

The night we went out to dinner we didn't even leave the restaurant until 2.5 hours after my kids normal bed time. So needless to say they were pooped! Elizabeth feel asleep in the car. When I transferred her into the bed next to her sister, she was half asleep and smiling SOO big. I think she knew she wasn't in a crib even in her half conscience state. It was super cute. I wish it would have been the indication that she was going to sleep well, but of course I was not so lucky. But she sure was cute.

The next morning we went to Starbucks for breakfast. Grace's favorite. We could get used to this city life.
After the wedding when we walked back to the hotel Elizabeth was in a great mood. I think it was partially due to her long nap during the ceremony and partially she was just happy to be with the three people that were familiar to her. She was all smiles and looked so cute bundled up in her stroller.

Nick and C got Grace some fun erasers shaped like random different things. She loves them and still plays with them. Yet another reason why she loves those cousins!
The last two pictures are from the car ride home Saturday after picking up our dogs. Grace was SOOO tired in the car she was like a little zombie. She told us she was really looking forward to nap time and then proceeded to write nap time a note. It said "Dear Nap Time, Continue to wait for me. Love, Grace" It wasn't spelled that well, but I thought it was funny. Apparently, she was really worried about missing her nap.

At the bathroom stop in Castaic, when I came out I found Gunnar showing the dogs to Ellie. She was enjoying the company and even gave Lady Bug a hug. I thought it was kinda cute, until the dog proceeded to lick her face....EEEWWW. But the hug was kinda cute.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

San Francisco Dinner

The night before the wedding we all went out to Thai food. Gunnar and I love Thai food so we were super excited. It was delicious, although wrestling with Elizabeth I didn't feel like I was able to savor it like I would have like to.

Fortunantly, however, I really only had to take care of Elizabeth as Grace was taken with her new friend and soon to be cousin, Krittiya, or "C". C came over and made an effort to talk to Grace and they became quick friends.
By then end of the night, Grace was completely taken.
Actually, by the end of the night, not only was Grace friends with C, but with all of C's friends as well. That girl knows how to work the crowd, that is for sure!
Gunnar and I had a nice time too. Here a few random pictures off my camera. It is always great to get caught up with family!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Walking the streets of San Francisco

The afternoon before the wedding we met up with my sister-in-laws Michelle and Sonja, Nick (the groom-Michelle's son) and my brother-in-law, Michelle's husband, Bruce. We walked around the city for a bit, saw where the ceremony was going to be the next day and worked our leg muscles on those hills.

The park where the wedding was held was across the street from Grace Cathedral. Of course, I had to take Grace's picture with the sign.
We let the girls play at the park for a bit. Ellie was a big fan of the swings.
It was a really warm day that day. But I had prepared for cooler weather. So although I didn't make her wear her warmer outfit the whole time, she did have to wear it for a photo. I think I have decided that there is nothing cuter than a baby in a scarf.
We walked until the sun went down. I thought it was funny, becuase Michelle and Sonja and I all took walking pictures.
When we got back up to our room, the sun we just setting. The view was AMAZING. A picture really can't do it justice.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Noble Wedding

Last weekend we went to our nephew Nick's wedding. We took a road trip up to San Francisco and had a great time getting caught up with family and to spend lots of quality time together in the car. We went stayed at my grandpa's house on the way to and from San Francisco, which helped break up some of the drive, plus we always enjoy a few days up at the ranch. I'll post those pictures later.

Today I will post the pictures from the wedding day today and then later in the week I will post other pictures from our time in San Francisco and our time with Grandpa "Hil-kon."

The wedding was in a park close to the couples house. The couple was beautiful and it the ceremony was nice. I didn't take too many pictures, but this is my favorite.
Before and after the ceremony there was lots of catching up with relatives.

I think everyone enjoyed meeting Elizabeth, who slept through the ceremony, which although didn't make for cute pictures, at least everyone got to hold her and she didn't scowl at anyone.
So as Elizabeth slept Grace was in her prime. I think she may have accidentally insulted (not on purpose, just her being an outspoken 4 year old) at least 3 people. She was IN LOVE with the bride and bridesmaids, and having the time of her life. I am pretty sure we were lucky that she came home with us, as I think had we left it up to her she was going to try to get one of them to adopt her.

Not only did she think they were amazing, but they paid tons of attention to her and carried her around, so they were kinda asking for her to shower them with attention.
I found this picture someone had posted on facebook, and I thought I would share them as I thought they captured they day well.

Grace and her new cousin:
And Grace posing in other peoples family pictures. Ahh, that kid makes me laugh.
Lastly, I thought this group picture captures the park and the excitement, joy and the beauty of the day.