Monday, August 22, 2011

July week 5

July 25: VBS is off to a hopping good start!

Aside from a small learning curve, the first day of VBS went off well. Grace and her friend Lilah enjoyed racing around the track on the bouncy balls. I think a good time was had by all!

July 26: The many looks of VBS

One of the fun things about VBS is dressing up every day. Last year was easy, becuase I dressed as a cowgirl every day. This year, with the New York theme I had to be a bit more imaginative. So I was a tourist, singer, firefighter, police woman and a diner waitress. Grace's favorite, of course was the fancy dress that she thought looked "part princess, part ballerina, and part bride." Which in Grace language is the highest complement known to man.

July 27: Good friends and good attendance

This was my favorite picture from VBS that day. Not only do I love that our good friends from Mongolia were in town. But look at all those kids!! And this was only the preschool group! I was so blessed by the attendance this year. I think God is doing good things at Valley Baptist, and I am so thankful!

July 28: VBS day 4

Grandma and Grandpa came up for VBS. My mom loves VBS, so it must run in the family, as my girls and I are all big VBS fans as well. Ellie enjoyed the extra grandma time. My parents also made us lunch so by the time we got home from cleaning up and after VBS prayer time, lunch was waiting on the table. Talk about a great day!

July 29: Going out with a splash!

For the last day of VBS we had a jello pit tug of war! The littlest group only got their feet wet (they would drop the rope as soon as they got too close). But the bigger kids got pretty messy. It was a fun way to end a fun week.

July 30: A glass of milk for the little lady

What do you do the Saturday after VBS when your sweet little one wakes up ready for the day at 5:30 in the morning? Why family Starbucks run, of course! I am not a coffee or caffeine person, but desperate times call for desperate measures. After my latte, I came home and was SUPER productive, well, at least until the caffeine high wore off.

July 31: Sneaky, sneaky

At the church BBQ we looked over to see Elizabeth and her friend Lilah sneaking treats. They were sitting in the big gazebo with guilty looks on their faces. Good one, girls, good one.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

July week 4

July 18: Coloring buddies

I love that Elizabeth is getting old enough that the girls can hang out and do stuff together. Although it may mean that wiping marker off the floor (and table and their legs and arms and anything else that gets too close) is a daily occurrence, it never fails to bless my heart to see them both diligently bowed over their artwork!
July 19: Orange Castle

There is something special about being a kid. You can take ordinary orange peels stack them up and pretend it is a castle made out of oranges. Having Grace around is a constant reminder of the fun I would miss out on if I lived in an all (or mostly) adult world where orange peels were immediately discarded and put in the trash. I mean, sure, my table is often sticky, but that really is a small price to pay for the twinkle in her eye as she explains to me yet another complex scenario she has thought up in her head!

July 20: Best errand ever!

I had to pick up a hat from In-N-Out (for a costume), so I HAD to go to In-N-Out. Of course I felt bad getting a hat without ordering food too! The girls (for some unknown reason) aren't big hamburger fans. So I enjoyed a animal style burger while they enjoyed their hats and stickers. Talk about the best errand ever!!

July 21: Grandma's jewelry box

Before dinner with Gunnar's mom we had a little girl time. Trying on earrings, necklaces, hair bows, and name it, she has it! The girls both were in heaven surrounded by so much "bling"!

July 22: "Meeting" Uncle Bart, Aunt Khet and Cousin Clara

I love technology! The girls got to "meet" their Uncle and his family that live in Cambodia. I love that technology makes it possible to know someone from the other side of the world. Cousin Clara is 3 months old and so adorable, we all enjoyed seeing her (and her parents, too of course)

July 23: And I would like them at the kitchen table...

We read "Green eggs and Ham" before our dinner to help us get in the mood. I think it helped our eggs taste better, or maybe that was just the green food coloring and the excitement! :)

July 24: Not quite the land of Canaan

Our grape harvest has been looking pretty good this year. We planted our grapes from cuttings from my dad's grapes that he got from cutting from the grapes at my grandparents house. And although it didn't take two grown men to carry them (one little girl was more than enough) it was exciting to eat them. I think all that waiting for the fruit to be ready makes it all the yummier!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

July week 3

July 11: Library Day = Happy Day

A day at the library is a good day indeed.

July 12: Art Party!!

My sister Maria and Michael Sanchez came up for the afternoon and we had a fabulous time coloring with makers and sorting rocks. Yes, we know how to throw a fun party.
July 13: My hearts treasure

Grace and I have been experimenting with different hairstyles. I found a blog with a bunch of ideas and we have been trying them out. I love having girls!

July 14: Hurry with the picture mom, I can tell Grace is having more fun!

We spent the evening at the beach because Gunnar had a speaking engagement. The weather and sunset were perfect. One of those evenings when you realize why Southern California Real Estate is so expensive!

July 15: Take us out to the ball game

We had a wonderful time at the Chapel/Valley Baptist baseball night. As always I didn't pay attention to the game, but had a great time hanging out with everyone there!

July 16: Coloring buddies

I love that Elizabeth is getting old enough that the girls can hang out and do stuff together. Although it may mean that wiping marker off the floor (and table and their legs and arms and anything else that gets too close) is a daily occurrence, it never fails to bless my heart to see them both diligently bowed over their artwork!
July 17: Somebody has to keep that bench warm

Cutest bench warmer ever at the church softball game. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

July week 2

July 4: Happy Birthday America!

We spent a wonderful 4th of July at our friends the Yost. It was a warm Valley Center summer day and the kids enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool and blowing bubbles while Gunnar and the guys played horse shoes.

July 5: Surprise Lunch Date

Due to a slight scheduling error, we ended up on a surprise date. We were at one of our very favorite restaurants in the world, Mario's of La Mesa. Less than a block walking distance from where we used to live, we would walk over there and eat often when we lived there. When I was pregnant with Grace especially, I was In LOVE with their salsa. It was such a treat and fun afternoon!

June 6: BFF's

We celebrated Grace's friend Lilah's 5th with cupcakes after Bible study. These two are good friends and so cute together.They have very similar personalities so it seems like they are either best friends or at each others throats. You really can't get much cuter than these two though, especially when we looked over at Bible study to see them snuggling.

July 7: Baby Bubble

Gunnar and I went out for a lunch appointment so the girls spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's. By the time we got back they were dirty and tired but had obviously had a lot of fun. We hung around long enough for some extra bubble time with Grandpa before we headed home...and straight to bed!

July 8: Bye-bye, Bye-bye

Elizabeth's most recent favorite word is "bye-bye." I am not sure if it has something to do with her slightly anti-social personality or if it is just fun and repetitive thing to say. Either way, she looks for any excuse to say it, including hiding herself in her daddy's closet.

July 9: Such a good daddy

Since I was a bit under the weather, Gunnar took the girls with him to run errands (and to check out the new Costco). They made a pit stop at the house between stops and I watched the girls in the car while Gunnar ran into the house. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who takes such good care of me, especially when I am sick.

July 10: Little Bunny foo-foo

There is a rabbit that has been frequenting our front yard. The girls love watching him as he nibbles on the fruit that has fallen from our trees. Grace has named him "Cottontail" and he (or she) provides the perfect before bed entertainment!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

End of June, Begining of July

June 27: Grandson of the Year

I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who works hard (on his day off and in heat no less) to help out my grandpa. I know it means a lot to my grandpa. The day we left, Grandpa told Gunnar that Gunnar was a good worker. And if you know my grandpa, that is about the highest complement he can give. It seems like every month when we head up there, he has a job in store for Gunnar.This time is was putting the finishing touches on my grandpa's new tractor barn. My favorite part was right before Gunnar climbed up to start working, Grandpa says "Oh h***, OSHA wouldn't approve of that scaffolding." Thankfully, Gunnar was able to use both a nail gun and navigate the scaffolding without any problems. :)

June 28: Farm Hands

I think everyone that knows Grace knows of her great love for Grandpa "Hilkon". She is quite possibly his biggest fan. She loves to follow him around and "help" him on the farm. As the Wednesday night Bible study knows, she often asks prayer for him since he has to manage without her help for most of the month. :) Lately though, Elizabeth is starting to give her a little competition in the help department and they are starting to have to share those important "chores" like filling the cows watering trough.

June 29: The eyeliner bandit strikes again

No pen, marker or eyeliner is safe in this house. I am just thankful it wasn't Sharpie! :)

June 30: Crazy Cousins

We got together to celebrate Ann's birthday. We had lunch and a walk through IKEA. The two girls whoe's name start with the letter E were on FIRE that day. While not getting into trouble, they enjoyed laying on the display beds and pretending to sleep and wake up. I guess all that naughtiness is exhausting. :)

July 1: Tea Party Time

We headed down to San Diego briefly in the morning since Gunnar needed to run an errand. Although the visit with my parents was quick, the girls and grandma managed to squeeze in a little tea party. It is nice that Elizabeth is finally old enough to join in the tea party fun!!

July 2:
Due to the heat, we have had to come up with more things to do indoors. The girls spent the afternoon after ballet playing with Play-dough.
July 3: Speechless

If you know Grace, you know she is NEVER speechless. So when she got off the pony ride at the fair with a HUGE smile, dazed look in her eyes and was completely speechless, we were glad we had let her ride the pony. Of course, in a few minutes she regained her talkativeness, and after calling grandma to give her the great news, we got to listen to her talk the whole rest of the night about how wonderful it was and how she can't wait to ride another horse.

Friday, August 12, 2011

June week 4

Another summer week.

June 20: Feeding the zoo animals

The peaches on our tree were starting to get ripe and so delicious! Elizabeth didn't like getting her hands dirty so Grace helped her out. What a good big sister!
June 21: My Kindergartener

Grace had Kindergarten testing at her new school. She was SO excited and loved it. She was super excited and I am really liking the charter school program she is enrolled in. I think it is going to be a good year.
June 22: Unshackled party

We had a Pot luck at our church and listened to the Unshackled radio drama (If you haven't heard it you can listen here or here or here depending on what is easiest with your computer. Our program play the weeks of June 19 and 26). Although it was kind of awkward and uncomfortable to listen to in a room full of friends, it was such a good reminder of how much God has done in our lives. Plus, everyone enjoyed mocking how nerdy their rendition of me sounded. :) I am so blessed to have a husband who is willing to share his story in order to help others. At the end we sang Gunnar's favorite hymn. The chorus sums up how we felt. "Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."
June 23: Lunch with Grandpa Dick

We went out to lunch with Grandpa Dick. Ellie enjoyed the chips and salsa, even if it was a little spicey!
June 24: Tiny Animal Tamer

While I do laundry on the porch Ellie enjoys playing with the animals. With all the animals around here these days, it is almost like a zoo out there!
June 25: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Grace made us lunch when we got home from ballet. She was so excited to make us PB &J.
June 26: On the road again

On our way up to my grandpa's we enjoyed ridding with the windows down. Actually by "we" I mean Gunnar and I. The girls weren't really a fan of the wind in their faces. Gunnar and I enjoyed the warm summer air and remembering the days before AC. Highway 58 is such a pretty drive.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

June week 3

June 13th: Another goodbye
I have gone to many many funerals over the last couple years. There is nothing more heartbreaking than when they hand the flag to the widow. In this case, his wife had taken care of him as he battled cancer. He was only 39. I can't imagine all that she has gone though.

Overwhelmingly at the service when they talked about Gus, the things that were said were about his character. Story after story spoke of his kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness and love towards those around him. Of course he had many other impressive accomplishments (Naval Academy Grad, LT Commander in the SEAL teams, head of the jump team....) but in the end, his strength of character is what his buddies remembered.

In leaving the ceremony for this friend of Gunnar's (who I had only met casually), I left with a sense of respect for what a great man he had been and for the amazing strength of his wife. Both humbling and inspiring it was a much needed reality check and good perspective on how I set the priorities in my own life.

(This photo was taken off the "Naval Special Warfare" facebook page)

June 14: Welcome home!
My mom and Maria got back from two weeks in Spain. We all welcomed them home at the airport and then we went out to dinner. As we walked up to the terminal Grace kept saying "I am going to cry for joy. I am going to cry for JOY." She was so excited for Grandma to be back in town!
June 15: It's good to be on the phone again

Grace was super excited to have her phone buddy back in town. She loves talking to my mom on the phone! Normally, my mom reads Grace books, but since Grandma was tired, Grace read her one instead.
June 16: "Eyes"
Elizabeth calls her sunglasses her "eyes." She is a huge fan of them and will wear them for hours! Around the house, at church, outside, it really doesn't matter. She loves those things.
June 17: Gitanas

We had lunch at my parents and my mom gave out the gifts she had gotten on her trip. The cousins looked super cute in their flaminco dresses and new shoes and fans.
June 18: Good times

I love snuggling with my girls and reading books. It is times like this that remind me that I am living the good life.
June 19: Father's day
Afer church on Sunday we went to the softball field for a church softball game. Grace wore a hat to match her daddy. The guys all had a lot of fun and the girls and I enjoyed sitting in the shade and cheering the guys on. I am so thankful for the good daddy God has given my girls.

Monday, August 8, 2011

June week 2

The second week of June was pretty laid back. We stayed home a lot and got stuff done around the house.

June 6: Hide and go seek
Elizabeth has started playing hide and go seek with me whenever I am trying to get stuff done in the kitchen. She always picks the same hiding place, and if I don't look for her soon enough she starts calling my name. I usually can find her pretty easily, but she always is so excited when I do.
June 7: Cousins and Chalk
The girls cousins came up for the day. We had fun hanging out and coloring in the backyard with chalk.
June 8: Marker girl
Elizabeth can't seem to help herself. More days than not she is covered in marker. At least it is washable.
June 9: My cleaning angel
Grace was supposed to be helping me clean. She came out with this get up and announced that she was my helping angel. She got her work done, wings at all, so I couldn't complain.
June 10: Baking helpers
We tried to make blueberry scones, they didn't turn out that great, but we sure looked cute making them!
June 11: Happy Birthday Uncle Danny
We celebrated my brother Daniel's 25 birthday by lunch at 5 guys (his favorite) and seeing a play. The girls LOVED the play and hanging out with him. It was a fun day.
June 12: Little Monkey
I have a picture of Grace doing the same thing on the same door. I think they both have had to learn that when you are a PK (Pastor's Kid) spending a lot of extra time at church is just part of the territory!