Friday, August 12, 2011

June week 4

Another summer week.

June 20: Feeding the zoo animals

The peaches on our tree were starting to get ripe and so delicious! Elizabeth didn't like getting her hands dirty so Grace helped her out. What a good big sister!
June 21: My Kindergartener

Grace had Kindergarten testing at her new school. She was SO excited and loved it. She was super excited and I am really liking the charter school program she is enrolled in. I think it is going to be a good year.
June 22: Unshackled party

We had a Pot luck at our church and listened to the Unshackled radio drama (If you haven't heard it you can listen here or here or here depending on what is easiest with your computer. Our program play the weeks of June 19 and 26). Although it was kind of awkward and uncomfortable to listen to in a room full of friends, it was such a good reminder of how much God has done in our lives. Plus, everyone enjoyed mocking how nerdy their rendition of me sounded. :) I am so blessed to have a husband who is willing to share his story in order to help others. At the end we sang Gunnar's favorite hymn. The chorus sums up how we felt. "Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."
June 23: Lunch with Grandpa Dick

We went out to lunch with Grandpa Dick. Ellie enjoyed the chips and salsa, even if it was a little spicey!
June 24: Tiny Animal Tamer

While I do laundry on the porch Ellie enjoys playing with the animals. With all the animals around here these days, it is almost like a zoo out there!
June 25: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Grace made us lunch when we got home from ballet. She was so excited to make us PB &J.
June 26: On the road again

On our way up to my grandpa's we enjoyed ridding with the windows down. Actually by "we" I mean Gunnar and I. The girls weren't really a fan of the wind in their faces. Gunnar and I enjoyed the warm summer air and remembering the days before AC. Highway 58 is such a pretty drive.

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