Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new

What? A post about me? Is that allowed?

This was the biggest hair change in the history of my 26 (almost 27) years of life, so I thought it deserved a blog post. Everyone keeps coming up to me and saying things like "but don't you love it?" and actually, I kind of miss my long hair. The good thing is, it is growing on me (pun intended). It is more practical, and I have always wanted to donate hair to locks of love, especially recently, with my grandma having cancer. So I accomplished something I feel good about.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First "real" bath

What a cute bathing beauty she was. She seemed to really like it, it was super cute.

Friday, September 25, 2009

What a month it has been

Well, yesterday Elizabeth was officially a month old. And what a month is has been! We have been to the Dr. (between the two of us) 6 times. We have been to church 4 times. We have celebrated 2 birthdays (3 if you count Elizabeth's), and we have another one coming up next weekend. We also had a shower for Elizabeth, and ventured out to watch Monday night football at our friends house (what can I say, it was the Chargers and we don't get that channel). Oh and Grace started up Preschool again (it is home school preschool, though, so it isn't that bad). All this, and I have (really, I have been) trying to take it easy. So, here are some pictures of some of what we have been up to.

It actually hasn't been quite that bad, as I have had help. Our church brought meals for three whole weeks (it was beyond wonderful). My mom came up for a couple days the first week were were home and helped out with Grace. Gunnar has been wonderful, doing the grocery shopping and errands and hanging out with Grace on the mornings he is home so I can sleep in a little longer.

Elizabeth is growing like a weed. So cute and chubby.

Anyways, here are some more random pictures, and I will try and post more the next couple days, in an attempt to get caught up.

These two picture are from her first Sunday at church, when she was only 6 days old. She got to go up with Gunnar when he did the announcements.

It has been nice to spend time with family. We have seen each of her grandparents multiple times. It is nice to have family that loves our girls.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catching Up

Well, after a long break, I have decided to try to get back to blogging. It has been one of the craziest, emotionally draining months of my life. I have not blogged about it mostly because I am not at a place where I can talk/write about it without bawling, so I decided to give you the summary and then post some baby pictures as that is really what everyone wants to see anyways.

A verse from Psalms sums up the last month quit well. Psalm 30:5 says:
Weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Tomorrow will be four weeks since my grandma, Delores Lee Hilton died. You can read more about that on Ann's blog here. I was 39 weeks pregnant and in LA driving up to try to see her when we got the call that she died. I truly believe that my grandma trusted in Jesus as her savior and that she is in heaven and no longer in pain. Although I missed seeing her before she died, I am glad to know I will see her again in heaven someday. You can see the slide show from the funeral here.

Exactly one week later, my beautiful daughter, Elizabeth Lee Hanson, was born. That week, inbetween the two events, I kept meditating on that verse. Mourning may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. As I felt Elizabeth kick inside me, I knew joy would be come soon. I am glad my grandma was able to see me while I was pregnant, and rub my big pregnant belly. I know she was happy for me, although I am so sad she never got to meet her great granddaughter that was named after her.

God's hand worked in so many ways during the last couple weeks, I can see how he worked out so many details. I still feel like in many ways there is so much to still reflect on and digest that I haven't fully processed. It was such a surreal experience to loose a loved one so close to welcoming a new life into our family.

The birth went remarkably well, even if the days leading up to it were some of the most stressful days of my life. I am so thankful for my dear sister Ann who stayed home from the funeral so that she could be in town to help me. Gunnar was great during the whole stressful ordeal. My mom was a great help during labor and birth, and babysitting Grace in the days that followed. My mother-in-law, Carol, hosted us for the two days after Elizabeth's birth, which was wonderful. Her home is beyond comfortable and relaxing. She took great care of us and I was able to spend two days getting some much needed rest before returning to Valley Center. Such a huge blessing. My midwife was wonderful, encouraging me to go ahead and make the drive (even though I was just days from my due date), which I am so glad I did.

Elizabeth was born at 11:13 on Monday the 24th of August. She was born underwater, in the tub, at Best Start Birth Center. My mom was there in the room with Gunnar and I for the birth. My mother-in-law and father-in-law, my dad and Ann were in the waiting room. Grace was asleep at her cousin Elena's house (my brother Michael was there at the house with them). She weighed in at 7 lb 11 oz, a whole pound heavier than her big sister Grace.

Elizabeth is so sweet and precious. She sleeps and eats great, and has been such a sweet joy. She is just now starting to spend a little more time awake and checking things out. She is gaining weight like a champ. God is so good to bless us with such a sweet little girl.

Grace is adjusting pretty well, all things considering. She has obviously not been immune to a stressed out exhausted cranky mother, but does great with the baby. She recently told someone "I love my sister all the time. I even love her when I am sleeping." She loves to hold Elizabeth and talk to her and even reads her books. I am sure Elizabeth will appreciate it, once she starts staying awake for it, that is.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks.
Shortly after birth, with Daddy at Best Start.
My sleeping angel:
With Grace, her wonderful big sister.
Last Wednesday in Pt Loma for Gunnar's birthday (on 9.9.09).