Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This week with Grace

Grace has taken to playing the piano and singing. It is so cute, I couldn't resist taking some pictures. These were from before we moved, as you can tell by the blue carpet.

Grace LOVES helping daddy. With all that we have had going on, she loves to "help" or at least sit there and watch him as he works.

"helping" put in Lilac bushes

"helping" put together and end table for the living room

"helping" dig the holes for the trees in the front yard
This week she has also figured out how to turn door nobs. In the old house she was too short to actually reach the door knobs, but that didn't stop her finding creative solutions.

Bible Trivia

A month when talking to my mom, she reminded me of all the Bible questions she taught me when I was little. So I have been working on it with Grace. She knows a ton of questions already, but it is hard getting her to say them all in one setting becuase of her short attention span. It is so cute. My dad took a video of her yesterday, and although she didn't cooperate too much, at least you get an idea.
She didn't make it to my two favorite questions. What did the angel say to the lion? (Don't eat Daniel) and who came to see Jesus by night? (Nickodemus-which is more like Nick-de-nus).
My dad added the subtitles for those of you not fulent in "Grace-ees". :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday was our official moving day. We originally were supposed to move on Saturday, but it is supposed to rain all weekend, so we moved the day up in order to miss the rain.

We were a little nervous because we didn't know if anyone would come help us out with it being in the middle of the week. It ended up being mostly homeschooled boys who's mothers graciously allowed them to come help us. :) They had a lot of energy and muscle and things went really quickly. We were also thankful for the mom's who came out to help. They helped load up all the stuff I hadn't had time to get to (including my dirty bathroom, Thanks Vicky!) and they unloaded my whole kitchen, hall closet and Grace's room while I took some of the boys home (Thank you Mom and Minia!). Leave it to mom's to know exactly what to do in a time of need!

In August when we moved I didn't take any pictures, so this time I vowed to do better. I guess one is better than none, and that is what I ended up with. My dear sister Ann came up and took care of Grace all day so I was free to help with the moving. It was a huge load off to not have to worry about Grace and to be able to just worry about the moving logistics. Grace loves her Auntie (and the precious baby cousin in her belly) and had a great time hanging out with her. Or so she tells me. So here is the one picture I couldn't resist taking!
Seeing as the garage is huge, we have been able to leave a most of the unpacked boxes in there and I have just brought in the things that I have a place for. It is such a better set up than our last house where everything had to be in the house and I was stubbing my toes on boxes for weeks!! Plus with all the help yesterday, things are actually looking rather presentable already!

Here is a virtual tour of our new home. I hope you enjoy it but it is much better in person so this should not be used as an excuse not to come visit! :)

Here is the outside of the house. Gunnar redid the mail box and planted 9 trees in the front yard last weekend. So in a couple years it should be full of fruit.
Here is the view from the front door. The kitchen is on the far end and hall to the bedrooms is directly in front of me (that you can't see in this picture). Here is the view from the hallway.
Heading to the kitchen. My parents helped us assemble and install the cupboards last week. There wasn't much storage before that, so they are a huge help.
Another view of the kitchen. The counters are really tall, and some have suggested that I may need a step stool. The sink is so much easier to wash dishes in than my last sink, I am very excited about it. I have never had a flat stove top like this before...does any one have helpful tips or suggestions regarding use or cleaning? My father-in-law bought us a new fridge, it is so much nicer and bigger than any fridge I have ever had (Thanks Dick!)!
Heading on, in the little hallway there are four doors leading to the two bathrooms, the bathroom and the hall closet. Here is our jungle bathroom. It is a big hit with the under two crowd in our house.
Grace's room. I have been wanting to redo her room in red/orange/brown, so I went ahead and bought red curtains. It doesn't match her current quits, but I think it should motivate me to get my sewing machine out and get to work. The view from the door:And from the other side of the room.
The view from her window of the back yard.
I couldn't get a good picture of our room. But you get the idea.
Lastly, A little Gracie fun. She found her baby car seat when we were moving and she loves it! What says fun like sitting in a baby car seat?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

I know I usually blog about Grace and what has been going on around here. This post is a bit different, and although it has to do with my week, it isn't as light hearted as most of my post.

I have been doing a lot of leg work research for Gunnar this week as our church is observing Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. This week marks the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and we are taking a week to talk about how every life, not matter how small is precious to God.

It has been a very heavy week as I read and learn more about the subject. I have learned a lot of interesting facts. Did you know that "Roe" in the court case never actually had an abortion? She actually had three children that she gave up for adoption. Did you know she actually became a christian and became very pro-life? You can read her very interesting story here. Did you know that 40-49 million babies have been aborted since Roe vs Wade? You can test your knowledge about "Roe" and find out more facts here.

As I read, I cried. I cried for all the babies who didn't have a chance. I cried for all the babies whose mothers didn't want them. I cried for all the babies who never had a chance to see the sunshine and discover new things. Who never learned how to smile.

I learned that most women who have abortions are young. My age and younger. Most are not married. I cried for all the scared girls who don't know what to do. I cried for the women who are told a lie, later to find out the truth and live with a burden of guilt and shame their whole lives. I cried as I learned about psychological, physical and emotional pain that women deal with as a result of their abortions.

So what can I do? I know God wants me to do something. I read these very challenging verses this week.

If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!
Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it?
Will he not repay each person according to what he has done? (Prov 24:10-12)

But what can I actually do? Here is what I have concluded and I hope it will challenge you as well.

1. I can pray. God refers to himself as the God of the fatherless, of the widows and orphans. God cares. He can touch people's lives.

2. I can support my local crisis pregnancy centers. I visited one this week and they were wonderful. Multiple times during the tour of their facility Gunnar and I had to choke back the tears. You can find the pregnancy centers in your area here.

3. I can spread the word. I think a lot isn't done because not because we don't care but because we are so busy that we are distracted. It is an awkward subject at times, but it is important! If you can make a difference in one life, that is huge! You never will know unless you try.

4. I can teach Grace what God thinks. God loves children. He says they are are blessing from him. He also says not to have sex until you are married. That would solve a lot of problems now, wouldn't it? I can't talk to all girls before they are in trouble. But there is a precious one at my house (who is running right now around making duck noises) that I can have a huge impact on!

5. I can vote pro-life whenever possible. This is a hard one, especially in the presidential election where it could come down to picking the best of the worse. I think this issue is important to be thinking about as we consider who we are voting for. Thank God he has allowed us to live in a democracy! Research and go out to vote!

Well I will get off my soap box for now. :) But please, think about it. What can you do? What does God want you to do?

Focus on the Family does a lot to help the pro-life cause. You get more information from their website. http://www.family.org/

Thanks for reading! And go give your mom a hug and tell her thanks for having you! After all, if you are reading this, it is because you weren't aborted!

P.S. Since we were talking about the unborn, here is Grace's ultrasound picture. Every baby truly is a miracle from God.

First Hair Cut

Grace got her first hair cut a couple weeks ago. It was a slight trim to even out the sides of her hair. Due to the fact that I was attempting to get her to sit still so Gunnar didn't put an eye out or something I didn't take too many pictures.

Before on the right, After on the left.


Things have been a whirlwind around here. I think we spent 10 hours in the car last week alone! We closed escrow on our new home on Thursday. Due to being exhausted and having my mind on all I need to do I have not been taking many pictures.

Therefore I don't have any pictures from the 5 hours we spent waiting around in IKEA with my dad Tuesday night. Or from the putting together and installation of our kitchen cupboards yesterday. Or the hours we spent waiting in the empty house for our fridge to be delivered. Due to some error on their part we get to wait again Monday. :)

Today Grace and I treated ourselves to some time off and went to Oceanside to see our good friends Will and Teri. It was nice to sit down and relax and not to worry about what I should be doing. Grace loves hanging out with Will and stealing all his toys from him. I guess we should work on that.

Our "big" move day is officially next Saturday but I am sure we will be back and forth and doing stuff all week. I will eventually try to take some pictures of the new house but until then I leave you with the few pictures I have taken recently around the house.

Gotta love that cheesy smile!
Grace thinks her fur from Grandma Carol goes with every outfit!

What can I say? It's a classic.

A future in rapping perhaps?

Grace just discovered Curious George and LOVES him! I think she can relate to the part where it says "He was a good little money, but he was very curious". Curious George was one of my favorites growing up so I have really been enjoying sharing them with Grace.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

We spent New Years Eve at the Chapel's New Years Eve Talent show. It was so nice to see so many of our wonderful friends! We had a great time!

2007 was a year of so much change....a new job, moving to Valley Center, Grace learning to walk and talk, getting rid of Guapo and buying a house. A lot of it was stressful, but I feel like we are in such a good place, I know that it is God who brought us here. Yesterday as I was thinking back on the last year and looking forward to the new year, I have so much to be thankful for.

Gunnar was sick most of last week, and I seem to have gotten his germs! So we are taking it easy this week, and are going to try to start working on packing next week. So I think I will probably not be blogging too much, between chugging green tea and trying to organize around here.