Saturday, May 7, 2011

Michael's birthday

So one of the things I really love about Gunnar is his ability to buy the best gifts. Somehow he manages to think and get exactly what that person would want. I a terrible gift buyer, so his ability to do this never ceases to amaze me.

On my brother Michael's birthday (back in March, I realize I am a little behind) Gunnar bought him a keg of root beer. Michael has always wanted one and was super excited. Besides that, who doesn't like to make jokes about the pastor throwing a kegger?
And a cousins picture, just for good measure. My girls love their cousins! And although none of their pictures are really frame worthy, they never cease to make me smile.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Serving Jesus

Some of my best memories from my childhood are of helping my dad around church. I think my parents did a great job of helping us see that we all can serve God and that God had called us all into ministry, not just my dad. I am so glad my girls have a chance to learn this as well. It is so fun to see them so excited to be able to help daddy around the church!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hug a Navy SEAL Day

In recent days and the news of Navy SEALS we have been a little proud to be associated with someone who is in the brotherhood. It is pretty much like having greatness in our midst.

So, on May 2nd, when the news broke about Osama, I declared a holiday at our house. We called it "Hug a Navy SEAL day." And by "we" of course I just mean "me" as Gunnar wasn't really into it and I didn't talk to the girls about what was going on (Grace already struggles with nightmares and anxiety, no reason to tell her any stories involving shooting and/or bad guys). So it turned out to be pretty much the same as every other day, as pretty much Gunnar is the most hugged person around here anyways. But it was fun, as I enjoy a good made up holiday, and plus, we dressed up. Well, just the girls and I. The girls wore their dad's old work hats and I wore my favorite Navy SEAL shirt. It is a replica of the one Gunnar bought me when we were "just friends" since I wore that one out. :)

Grace was super squirmy and wanted to play with flowers instead of taking pictures so I didn't get as many with her in them. But I was able to talk her into a few with Elizabeth. I love their expressions in this one.
Elizabeth turned her hat around like that on her own. I think the over sized hat was kinda annoying her a bit.

Some of just Ellie. Seriously, I think she gets more beautiful every day. Even in an (kind of) ugly hat and nap hair.
I looked over a one point to see Elizabeth had started "helping" Gunnar water. Too cute!
Lastly, one of me and my little buddy. In case you were wondering, it is hard to pay attention to sun spots when taking self portraits with squirmy one year olds on your lap. :) I don't actually have a lazer on my forhead. :)
With that, so long for now, oh and Happy Hug A Navy SEAL day to you, too! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


I feel like more and more I have these random disjointed blog post. So I hope you bare with me.

Grace finished up her reading book. She was so proud, and so happy! As a prize, she got Little House on the Prairie paper dolls. She and I have made our way through most of the Little House books and she loves her paper dolls. Thankfully, they are modeled after the illustrations in the book, not after the TV show.
At her 18th month well baby visit Elizabeth weighed in at 19 lbs and some oz. It was the first time she seemed to remember the nurse (probably due to getting her shots). She was a little aprehensive, but managed to get her shots and get out of there relatively easy.
The girls and I spent the day at the Wild Animal Park. It is beautiful this time of year. and we had a great time together. Elizabeth is quite the goof ball these days.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tut, Tut looks like Rain

We had wanted to run out in the rain, but every time we found out shoes and ran outside, it had already stopped raining. So eventually, we just went outside and pretended it was raining. We had fun and I actually got much better pictures, as I didn't have to worry about my camera getting wet.