Friday, November 27, 2009

Flashback Friday-Thanksgiving edition

I love holidays. Thanksgiving is my favorite, Easter is second followed by 4th of July and finally Christmas. Thanksgiving, in my opinion is the embodiment of the Christan spirit, as contentment and thankfulness are two main virtues that we should be striving for.

Growing up in Spain, we always celebrated Thanksgiving, regardless of the fact that it obviously isn't a holiday there. I have many happy memories of spending Thanksgivings with other American missionaries celebrating that holiday. Someday I will have to scan those pictures too, but for now, they are all at my mom's house.

The only year we were in the US was when Maria was born. We celebrated Thanksgiving at my grandparents house. I remember it being a happy time and my grandma was super excited we were there. Being at my grandparents was always fun and special, and although it isn't the same without my grandma, I am glad that I can share going up there with my girls. That year (1990) we combined our thanksgiving celebration with Christmas, as we were going to be gone by Christmas.

We took some pictures that day which I thought would be appropriate to share today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for! Every year we try to take time out to think about ll we have to be thankful for. Gunnar is ahead of me and already blogged his list here.

This year in particular I am thankful for the safe healthy arrival of sweet Elizabeth Lee. She is such a smiley baby and brings so much joy to Gunnar, Grace and I. So to hold you over as I am in a hurry and not blogging too much with the Thanksgiving busyness, here are some pictures I took of her today, on her 3 month birthday.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Flashback Firday-Our dad's were awesome

Today on Flashback Friday, I thought I would share a pictures of my girls Grandpa's from back in the day. I ran across this website recently dedicated to sharing pictures of how cute your parents were back in their fashion peak.

This picture of Dick doesn't have a date on it, but judging from Gunnar's brother Bart's age, I would guess it to be around the time of Gunnar's birth. I am not sure if I love the coordination with the airplane or the fact that they are both wearing white shoes, but I am pretty sure it is safe to say that even if you don't know them, you are still smiling.

Next I move on to my dad. I found this picture years ago at my grandma's house and begged her to give it to me. Probably taken around the same time as Gunnar's dad's picture (mid 70's).
My mom bought him the pants. And he looks just like Daniel. Nice, dad, nice.

Lastly, for your viewing enjoyment, I have one last picture of my dad's dad, my girls other living Grandpa. Really more adorably than funny, don't they make a cute couple?
I know one day my kids will want to laugh at their parents old pictures, so I should probably work at being more stylish so they can get a better chuckle. It only seems fair.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Visit with Grandma Carol

Last week we had to make a run to San Diego so we stopped by to see Gunnar's mom Carol. We didn't have too long to be there, but I took a couple pictures, as I needed a new picture for the frame in Grace's room with her grandparents in it. Elizabeth was in a particularly cute mood, so I figured I would share the pictures.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Veterans Day

Last week we spent Veterans day at the cemetery. This was our third year at the annual Valley Center Cemetery Veterans day ceremony. You can see the post from the last two years here (2007) and here (2008). Gunnar is on the board and gets to line up the speaker every year. Plus he is the obvious choice for invocation and benediction, so he gets to do those too.The speaker was a retired Marine from our church, who also happens to be an Escondido police officer and SWAT team member. He also happens to be the owner of the blueberry bushes that we visited this spring. Oh, and it was his wedding that Grace was the flower girl in. All that to say, he was the speaker, he did a great job, and aren't you impressed with my linking to previous blogs skills?
As I have mentioned in the previous post, I enjoy walking around the cemetery and reading the head stones. This year, Grace was able to participate a bit more so
that was fun. She was able to recognize her name on a headstone and everything. Oh, and she wondered if there was a horse buried under this one, because there was a picture of a horse on it.
I love this one.
And here is our traditional picture with Grandpa Dick:
And a family picture. Even though our outfits were perfectly appropriate and matching for the occasion, apparently, once you have more than three people in your family, it is impossible for everyone to look good at the same time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Guess who?

Here are pictures of the four members of our family at approximately 2-3 months of age. Can you guess who is who?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Elizabeth's first Zoo trip

If you know me, you know one of my very favorite places on earth is the World Famous San Diego Zoo. I love it! We have season passes and go as often as we can. So I was excited to take Elizabeth for her first, post birth zoo trip. This is how she spent most of the trip:
Yeah, I know, what a party poopper. She did wake up briefly towards then end because she needed to eat. FYI, the hummingbird exhibit is a great place to nurse a baby. Not a lot of people go through there, there is a long bench area to sit, and you can watch hummingbirds. Plus it is close to the skyfari, so Grace and Gunnar rode that while I fed the baby. It was a perfect relaxing way to end the zoo trip.

Grace enjoyed the zoo more than her sister. She got to walk under the belly of a huge elephant statue (if that doesn't sound like fun, I don't know what does).

She also found her name on a sign. Super exciting.
She checked out the polar bears (who were sleeping).
And the zebras too.
I also greatly enjoyed my time. I loved seeing the polar bear was sleeping just like my girls and Gunnar, with his hands over his face.

I got to see my very favorite animal at the zoo, the otter. It allows me to make cheesy otter jokes, which I love. You really otter see them, they are so cute!
My very favorite part though, is watching my beautiful daughter check out the animals and the world around here. God is so good to allow me the gift of being her mom!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Flashback Friday

I think I am going to start a new feature on my blog. The inspiration comes from the face that my wonderful husband bought me a scanner! I am so excited becuase I have wanted on FOREVER. So the last week or so I have been scanning like a mad woman. There are so many fun family photos from the days before digital, I have loving reminiscing. I thought you faithful blog readers (hi, mom!) would enjoy seeing some of them. Whether to reminisce, because you were a part of either my or Gunnar's (or our parents or grandparents) life back in the day, or simply laugh at how much our hair has changed since then, I think this will be a fun feature. :)

So just a taste of the wonder that is to come....

Ahh, the cuteness!! Are you excited or what?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby Doll

One of the sweet ladies from church made Elizabeth an adorable little bonnet. I paired it with a dress my mom kept for me from when I was a baby and I must say she looked adorable. Actually, she looked just like a porcelan doll, in my opinion.

See for yourself....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!

To all who have served bravely, and especially to my favorite veteran,

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You for your service!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2 months old

My sweet baby is two months old! She brings us such joy. She has such a precious disposition, and gets cuter every day. I mean really, don't you just want to kiss those cutie cheeks?

At her 2 month appointment she was up to 10 lb 13 oz (from 7 lb 11 oz) at birth so she is doing well on that front too.

Love those fists!
She still needs a little work on those manners. :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

My girls

I am so thankful for my precious daughters. Every day I thank God that I get to be their mother. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who works hard so that I can stay home with the girls and spend all day every day with them. Although at times I am exhausted and wish I didn't smell like spoiled milk, I wouldn't trade this job for the world. I could cry when I think about how blessed I am.

Especially, when I think about the two years before Grace, with the loss of the first baby and then the health problems and not knowing if I could get pregnant, or if I ever would have a baby. I sometimes I can't believe how much God has blessed me in giving me not one, but TWO wonderful daughters. They are so different but so wonderful, in their unique ways. I LOVE taking their pictures of them. It is almost an obsession. But if you read this blog, you probably knew that already. And you keep coming back for more. So here you go:

Angel face
Kissies for Sissy
Most call it tummy time, we call it "Ellie belly" time.
Cheesy smiles!
Beautiful sisters.
To your corners!
Sweet girls

Love those fists.