Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas part 2

Gunnar was invited to read scripture at a Christmas program at the Escondido Center for the Arts. It was big events with tons of people. We got their early and were able to snag some box seats. The girls enjoyed the music and Gunnar did a great job on his reading.

There Gunnar is on stage. The lighting makes him look a little angelic, I think.
You could tell it was a big deal, as Gunnar broke out a tie!
Grace, who loves the theater, was super excited to be able to go back stage. She even asked Gunnar to take a picture of her so he could put it on his facebook.
After the program we went out to Starbucks with some friends. We like to live by the rule "the family that drinks Starbucks together, stays together."
Our friends Karaline and Emily went with us as well. Grace loves Emily very much and Emily is a sweet girl who is always super nice to Grace.
Let more Christmas fun continue tomorrow........on the blog, that is.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Part 1

We had a nice Christmas week. We kicked off our Christmas celebrations with Christmas early dinner at my mother-in-laws. As always, there was tons of delicious food, gifts, lights and all the regular Christmas jazz.
This was the first time Elizabeth seemed to enjoy the gift experience. It was very cute, and she walked around carrying her sweatshirt.

I'll post our second Christmas dinner tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do

When the house needs cleaning, and food needs cooking, what do you do with a trouble making one year old?

Well, if you have a giant box and some crayons, that will do nicely!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was a few weeks ago. I turned the big 2-8. Actually, I am not sure that is considered a big birthday at all. And unlike last year, I am feeling much more encouraged about my age. Either because I got all the "I am getting so old" mourning out of the way last year or becuase I am getting more sleep (Thank you, Elizabeth!), but I am happy to report, it was much less traumatic than last year.

What I was bummed about, however, was the fact that I had some health problems the week before my birthday and had been bed ridden for a week. Consequently, we had to cancel our plans to fly to San Francisco for the day. I had been really looking forward to visiting with our nephew and his sweet new bride. But, after having been in bed for a whole week, I just didn't think it would be wise to push it. Instead, we pretended to be tourist in San Diego for the afternoon. It was a much shorter day and I had the option to go home at any point if I wasn't feeling well.

Gunnar and I hadn't had a date day in a while, and we had a great time. We walked along the bay.

We both love sushi, but as it is kinda expensive, and not really child friendly, we don't eat it very often. It was nice birthday treat though.

At Horton Plaza they have a great giant chess set where you can play games. Gunnar beat me, but in my defense, he has played a lot more chess than I have, especially in the last 10 years (since I have played none). Besides that, a fun fact: someone somewhere studied SEALS and said that the two factors most likely to help you to make it were if you were a waterpolo player and good at chess. Keeping that in mind, I really didn't stand a chance. Although Gunnar did say he thought I "had a mind" for chess, but I never played enough to get good at it. So I took the complement, and I did have fun playing.
After that we made our way back to the car. I enjoyed the art along the boardwalk. Gunnar doesn't really like to get into art like I do.
Having a December birthday has a few drawbacks, and as a kid I always wanted a summer birthday. I always thought it would be so fun to play outside on my birthday. So I kinda felt like God gave me my wish that day. It was in the 80's and hot and BEAUTIFUL. I love San Diego!
On the way back to the car, I was practically giddy with excitement, from being out of the house, without my kids, with my husband, for a whole day! I jumped in some leaves to hear them crunch, just for fun. Gunnar thought it was funny and took a picture. He also, without my knowing, took a video, but I am not okay with that ever seeing the light of day. :)
When we got back to our car, the sun was starting to go down. A beautiful end to a beautiful day!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town

Now for the record, I am not a huge fan of the whole Santa Clause thing. We already told Grace that Santa Clause is a fairy tale and that whole thing. Neither Gunnar or I thought it was appropriate to lie to Grace about it nor wanted to get it confused with Jesus birth being true. So from the get go, we have decided to just be honest about it with our kids.

All that being said, I did take Grace to see "Miracle on 34th St." It was put on by the Valley Center Community Thetre, and a bunch of the moms and kids from church went. On of the men from our church was the main star of the play (Kris Kringle) and so we enjoyed watching him preform. He did a great job and we had a fun time.

It was so hot that day it was hard to really feel in the Christmas spirit. The girls looked cute, nontheless.
Grace and some of her friends after the show.
Grace and our friend Joel.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Praying baby

I love that Elizabeth is finally getting to the age where she can start learning fun things. One of her most recent achievements is learning to "pray." She folds her hands and waits for me to pray before she eats her food. SOO cute.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas cookies

When my mom and her sisters were little, a friend of the family used to make them Christmas cookies every year. My aunt recently got the same cookie cutter and has started making them. They are BEAUTIFUL with little raisins for eyes, coconut for Santa's beard and lots of sprinkles. Not only that but they taste delicious and are such a treat.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sweet baby feet

I have a confession. I love baby feet.

There I said it.

They are so tiny and soft and not yet hardened by walking around outside.

I mean, be honest. How could you not love them?

Friday, December 17, 2010


Last week we went to Costco. I had been sick and so getting out of the house was a breath of fresh air. We ran into Gunnar's best friend from High school, Mike, and his family while we were there.So there you have it folks. Super random.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas time is here

Oh the holidays. For many years I always thought of myself as kinda a scrooge. I have been a huge critic of the over commercialization associated with Christmas. But in recent years, I have become come around to the whole Christmas thing. Partially due to Gunnar and his enjoyment of this holiday, partially becuase having kids reminds me of the things I liked about Christmas as a child, and partially because of the traditions thatGunnar and I have started give me a sense of routine and there is nothing I like better than being in my comfort zone.

Last weekend the girls and I decorated for Christmas. Although we own a Christmas tree, we do own a Christmas tree, we didn't put it up becuase: 1) it is heavy and hard for me to manage of my own, 2) Gunnar didn't have time to put it up 3) We don't really have room for it 4) Ellie would have pulled everything off the bottom of it anyways.

So instead of a tree, the girls and I set up two nativity scenes. The one I brought with me from Spain and is identical to the one my family had as a child. In Spain, traditionally people don't do Christmas trees, but everyone (stores included) set up "belens" (nativity scenes). I LOVE this particular belen as it is the traditional little mud dolls that are very common of the area that I grew up in. I let Grace help me set it up and she was SOOO excited.

The second nativity is a Playmobil set and is especially for the kids to play with during Christmas time. It is missing baby Jesus as he was a choking hazard, but the girls have had fun playing with it.

Elizabeth gets really excited and sometimes makes off with the sheep or some of the people.
But don't worry, she is always very nice to the ones she kidnaps. Including giving them sweet kisses.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Country girls

I wanted to take some pictures of the quilt I made for Grace a while back and while I was at it, I took some pictures of Elizabeth. This is the first time I have been able to take pictures of her outside as she is finally stable enough on her feet to stand and walk unassisted. She just happened to match the quilt so it worked out well.

She turned 15 months on Wednesday, I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Now if she will just finally learn to talk instead of grunting and pointing. :)

So much new stuff to explore in this new world
I couldn't resist including this one. I love how it captures her crazy silly face...
And she is off....I love how she always puts her arms out to balance when she walks.
Sisters, they love each other
It is so fun to watch them grow up and enjoy each others company

So far Ellie seems to take after her daddy and his love of dogs. We will see how she does as she grows, but for now, she is definitely the dog lover of the family. Don't ask me how I feel about the fact that she says "dog" and not "mama".......

Good thing Linus is such a good sport...

And Ladybug too..
Look at that smile....she was so proud of herself and her dog petting abilities...
Grace meanwhile, had run to safety in the wheel barrel.
She couldn't get out however so we went to rescue her. Ellie sat in the wheel barrel for a bit too, and I think it is the perfect picture of my two little country girls.