Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

First of all, let me just say, I love holidays! I don't know why holidays are sooo much better than regular days, but they are!

So of course I was excited about the fourth of July. We had the kind of holiday that I enjoy, one packed with good food, family and friends. And cute clothes. That is always a plus. For some reason, since the birth of Grace, I have been much more into dressing for the occasion. I have not broken out the super duper matching clothes quite yet, but I am close. I will have to wait for a really good holiday for that. Maybe Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday of them all.

Anyways, back to what we did yesterday. My parents came up in the morning. As always, it is so nice to see them and spend time with them. Grace always gets so excited to see them, it is really cute. Our friend David was here hanging out as well. Grace spent the morning getting us all to sing "Jesus loves me" while she banged on the piano, reading books with Grandma and Grandpa and going in the kiddy pool.

She took a nap after lunch, and after an out fit change (and taking a couple pictures) we headed off to holiday festivity #2.

She even had patriotic shoes, thanks to my cousin Amy's girls.

We headed over to our friends Bay and Teri's house. Their son Will is one of Grace's favorite friends.
Bay and Gunnar went to high school together (oh way back in the day). Their other high school buddy Mike was also there. The three of them rarely all get together, so they really enjoyed spending some time hanging out.
Will has this super cool little car. Is has a gas pedal that makes it go and everything. Grace got to take a turn in it and loved it! She was actually kind of a speed demon. This should probably scare us.
After bbq and lot of time hanging out, we headed to watch the fireworks. We were at a great spot where we should have been able to see two sets of fireworks, but alas, the weather was not it our favor. The fog had rolled in and although we were able to hear the boom, we weren't able to see any fireworks.

Here is the group waiting around for the fireworks to start. Bay's sister Katie joined us.

Grace wanted to wear her new shirt again this morning, and since I only took a few pictures yesterday, I decided to take some more this morning.

She is really into her teeth for some reason. I am not sure why.
Gunnar just got Grace that bench for our little patio, it is super cute. There is a scene from Noah's ark on the back part.

I love her hair bows!

Little Sparkler

The kittens are doing well, growing fast. There is Grace looking at Oreo (above) and wishing Tuna would want to sit on her lap (below).

One of my favorite new tricks that Grace does is her Auntie Ann impersonation. She sticks her stomach out as far as she can, and puts her hands on her back and waddles around. On occasion she will even stop and give her belly a good rub!

I hope you had a great 4th of July!
Hurray for the USA!

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