Saturday, January 30, 2010


So as you know if you read this very often, Grace LOVES visiting her Great Grandpa. Part of the reason she likes this so much are the cows. He lets her name the new calves and she gets to watch them walking around being cows. She loved her cowgirl get up from Grandma Carol and has been talking about how she is going to wear them to the ranch. Well, apparently the cow wrangling was calling her heart strings so the other day when I was out taking her picture, she was pretending the the dogs were her cattle. Linus was the cow, and LadyBug the calf.Look at the look of determination on that face! Linus, of course was clueless (as it was, it took 5 minutes of shouting his name to even get him to come out to play), and LadyBug was running into both of them being a spaz.

Finally, however, she got them the way she wanted them. Look at that smile. :) You go, Cowgirl!

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