Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Day

Maria spent the night so we stayed up watching music videos from the 80's and Elf (our favorite Christmas movie), so come Christmas morning, I was VERY tired. And by VERY tired, I mean I was kind of walking around asleep, with my eyes open, pretending to be awake. Due to this condition, I didn't take too many pictures, and a few of the ones I took were blurry because aparently, I was too tired to hold the camera still.

Anyways, we were going to breakfast at the beach, our family tradition, BUT Gunnar makes amazing pancakes, so we ate those first. Really, it wasn't that smart of a move, but the pancakes were beyond delicious.

We met our friends the Olivas family for breakfast, and then were going to go to the beach to take pictures. Due to the fact that we were late and it was a beautiful day, the beach was packed and we couldn't find parking easily. Due to the fact that we were really tired, we just called it a day and moved on. We did however take a picture of my parents and Maria with the girls as they were taking off after breakfast.

The last picture is the only one in focus from our time with Carol after breakfast. We opened presents and had a great time. We then headed home to relax and take naps!

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