Tuesday, March 29, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

Again, here are some recent randomness that make me smile.

Grace passed out on the couch on the Sunday of Daylight savings. I can relate to the feeling, we were all pretty tired.
Elizabeth out exploring in the yard. I think she was trying to wipe her hands off after accidentally touching dirt. I am glad to see she already agrees that dirt really is the downside of going outside.
Grace drew this picture of Noah's ark. She said she made the ark to look kind of like a castle. I guess it is princess meets Bible story. Love her!
Grace loves drawing, anywhere and anytime. Sidewalk chalk for her birthday has been a big hit this month.
I came out the other day to find that Grace had put Ellie to play the piano so she could dance to the music. Too funny and cute to see them "playing" together.

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