Thursday, April 23, 2009

Road trip Part II

Sunday night we stopped just on the other side of the grapevine at a hotel. We had made good time, and it was just starting to get dark when we got there. We had just bought Grace a new bathing suit the night before and we had brought it along in case there was a chance to use it. Unforntunantly, the pool wasn't heated and the water was pretty cold. The hot tub was actually pretty cool (for a hot tub) and was more like bath water. So we decided to let Grace in the hot tub. She had never been in a hot tub before and greatly enjoyed her first late night jacuzzi party.

When we got back to our room, Grace was all excited about staying in a "her-tell". She kept saying "I love this her-tell. This is my favorite her-tell I have ever seen." Her excitement only grew when she found the little bottle of hotel lotion. I am very picky about what goes on to my skin and she had already had a bath and was in her PJ's, but thankfully, Gunnar took one for the team. She had wonderful time caking lotion ALL over his arm.
Monday morning, after a restless night's sleep, we got up and got back on the road. Turns out, Grace talks in her sleep. You would think that talking all day would be enough for her, but aparently not. We were pretty tired, so our first stop of the day was Starbucks. Since it was a special trip, Grace got some milk with a shot of vanilla instead of her normal order (a short glass of cold water in a warm drink cup).
We got up to my grandparents some hours later. Grace was happy to be out of the car and couldn't wait to go down to see the animals. As she was walking down to the barn, she asked if Grandpa "Hil-kon" would hold her hand. It was so cute!

They checked out the horses. And she got to play on the hay.

She got to sit on Grandpa's new ridding mower. That is my Uncle Russell in the back ground.
I am not sure who's old four wheeler it was, but she enjoyed "riding" it as well.
Such a biker chick.
She went over to my grandpa and asked if she could sit on his lap. She sat on his knee and he pretneded to give her a horsie ride. It held her attention until she noticed his mustache, which she foudnd to be quite fascinating.
Later that evening, they went back down to see the animals again. Aparently, Grandpa let her help feed the horses, and she came back looking like this.
Tuesday morning we stoped by to see my cousin Amy and her kids who recently relocated to close to my grandparents. We met at a park, although it was really hot, so the kids didnt do a whole lot of running aorund. Our sweet friend Joan met us at the park as well, and it was nice to get caught up with her.
Back at the ranch, Grace was too wound up to take a nap. So instead she helped Grandpa check the gopher traps. She said later on that day that when she is 14 she thinks she will catch a gopher. Aparently, she finds gopher catching to be a little too difficult at this stage.
Also that afternoon, Gunnar helped get up on the roof and get the swamp cooler in working order. It was a REALLY hot day, so I was glad not to be the one up on the roof.
Back down to the barn before dinner to feed the animals. Grace got to ride the golf cart, which is quite exciting. I personally prefer to walk down, although I did take them up on the offer on the way back up. I held on for dear life, and I was able to survive the ordeal.
None of the cows had been around the day before, so Grace was excited that the old cow "Cowgirl" was down waiting for her dinner that evening.

She got to feed the horses again, and this time I was there to document.
I now know how all the straw got in her hair the night before.

After feeding the animals, we had dinner ourselves and got back on the road. On our way out we saw some buffalo and pulled over to check them out. If I had more energy I would find a picture similar to this from a couple years ago of Gunnar and a long horned bull. We enjoy taking pictures with animals on the side of the road. If you haven't done it recently, I recomend it, as it is fun. :)
And yes, Grace is sitting on top of my belly. I don't usually carry or lift her, and now I remember why. :)

We drove some hours Tuesday night, and stoped at the same hotel as on Sunday night. We got up Wednesday and headed home. It was a lot of time in the car, but we had fun being together. It was a nice break from everyday life, although we did come home exhausted. I think we need a vacation to recover from our vacation!! :)

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