Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Give me your best guess!

One of the best things about being pregnant, in my opinion, is all the suspense. In a few weeks (aprox 6) a little person will be arriving at our house. It reminds me of the suspense before Christmas. Althought it is even better, becuase there is no way for me to peek, and I know that in the end it will be better than any Christmas present I have ever gotten.

Although I am pretty sure on a few details (like Baby Dear's eyes will be blue or green) here are so many unknowns. Like is he/she a boy or a girl? Chubby or skinny? Long or short? What day will he/she get here? I have no way of knowing, but I so enjoy guessing.
I would love to hear your guesses as well. What do you think? I love hearing other's guesses, and reading what you have to say is a great way to pass the time while I wait for Baby Dear to finish cooking.

Here are the questions I would like your best guess on:

1. What gender is Baby Dear?

2. When will Baby Dear arrive? (date or date & time)

3. How much will Baby Dear weigh at birth?

4. What should we name Baby Dear? (Grace votes for Baby Dear)

Make sure you give us your name, so we know who the guess is from. Especially if more than one person from your house is guessing.

You can give me your input a number of ways, depending on what is easiest for you:

1. Leave a comment on the blog.

2. Email me.

3. Fill out the online survey by clicking here.

Unfortunately, there is no grand cash prize or anything for the winner. But you can have the satisfaction and pride of guessing the closest. You also will be entered into the baby book (last time Grandpa Dick and Cousin Jenny guessed the closest).

Lastly, if you are one of those kinds of people that just wishes they had a bit more information (like me) here are some tips that you may or may not find helpful in your guessing.

Baby Dear is due August 21st, 2009. Grace was born the day before her due date, in the evening.

Grace weighed 6 lb 12 oz at birth.

To see how I am carrying:
At 16 weeks
At 20 weeks
At 27 weeks
And today, at 34 weeks:

My weight gain so far is pretty much the same as with Grace (actually I have gained a little less, but started a little heavier, so I weigh about the same). You can see how I am carrying (this pregnancy on left, Grace on the right):
One last thing. Here is Baby Dear at 21 weeks.

If you have any more questions, please let me know. Thanks for your input! Happy guessing!


iBlogging said...

I think it will be a boy! But, I don't know about any of the other things...

I'm glad you're keeping the gender a surprise!! I thought Ryan and I were the last old-fashioned people on the planet because that's what we want to do too. =)

God Bless you Anna, and the Baby Dear. ;)

GF Baker said...

I guess a boy. August 28 and skinny.

What is Grace wishing for?

Marcia Orman said...

I'm going to go with a boy, and say that he will be born Aug. 20th at 6:00PM, and weigh 8 lbs. 2 oz... just for fun. :) Oh, and as far as a name Joseph Gunner Hanson was the first thing that popped into my head. I like being named after my parents in a round-about way. :) Marcia is the feminine form of Mark and Lynelle is a variation on Raynell. In case I never told you that.