Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We had a very low key fourth of July, as it fell on a Saturday, which is a work day for pastors. My parents and Daniel came up early in the day so we could still do something festive before Gunnar and my dad had to hit the books in preparation for Sunday.

It was a warm day, so we sat outside so Grace could play in her kiddie pool while the meat was on the BBQ. I didn't take too many pictures, as these days I am feeling quite hot, tired and large. Here are the few pictures I managed to take without having to get out of my seat. :)

My brother Daniel is a gifted musician and brought his guitar along. He was playing around on it while Grace was in the pool. She thought singing and dancing to the music while still in the pool was great. It was super funny. It had a musical theatre meets water arobics feel. On another note, in this picture you can see part of the new covered deck that is being constructed in our back yard. The contractor that is building it worked on it all last week, and hopefully it will be done towards the end of this week. I am super excited as I think it will be much easier to have people over, plus, it will shade the sunny side of the house, which will make the air conditioning much more effective.

After a while of playing in the pool, Grace was getting rather chilly, so she took turns getting out of the pool and sitting on people's laps. This warmed her up and cooled the rest of us down, so it worked out well. There she is with Grandpa Pa.
Fourth of July wouldn't be complete without watermellon. It was perfect for the hot day.
To say that my dad loves watermelon would be an understatement. He LOVES watermellon like no one I have ever met. We should have known better than to let him and Grace hold the watermelon plate. It worked out about as well as having the fox guard the hen house.
I hope you all had a great 4th, filled with fun, family or friends and hopefully some apple pie!

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