Monday, May 25, 2009

27 Belly Pictures

Saturday after the parade, I took advantage of Maria's presence to take some more recent pictures of my belly. I have been feeling quite large, and after seeing the pictures, I think it could be because I actually am huge! I have a little under three months until my due date, and so I am sure I will be getting a lot larger as time goes by.

As far as the pregnancy goes, everything has been going well. I am finally to the last trimester, so there is an end in sight. I am starting to get excited about the baby actually being here, although I am also remembering that I have to go through that whole labor thing again.....yikes.
To continue the series from last time, there I am with the garage door in the background. The rest of the pictures were taken in a field by my house. I like how the pictures reflect Valley Center, there is no question that I live in the country.

I like this last one, mostly because it brings back the funny day. I think I got something in my shoe and was trying to get it out. But all in all, watching a pregnant woman waddle through the weeds is pretty funny. At least Maria and I thought so.
There is my beautiful photographer. Good job, Maria!

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