Saturday, May 9, 2009

Goodness Grace-ous

Well, I haven't been taking too many pictures lately. Plus, I switched computers and haven't really figured out what I am doing. So I thought I would leave you with some funny Grace lines from around our house recently.

Grace: "I am a big buddy to great Grandpa Hilton"

While folding laundry: "These are mommy's panties, they are size big"

Elena and Ann came up for a visit. Grace got to feed her Elena her bottle and she was so excited about it. She said "It is exciting for a child to be a mother."

Grace: "Daddy, can we have steak for dinner?"
Gunnar: "Why, do you like steak?"
Grace: "I'm a big steak fan."

Grace came up and showed me a bunch of random letters she had written on her magna doodle. She pointed to the "L".
"Here is an L, did I write 'love?"

We have family devotions together every night together before we put Grace to bed. Sunday night we were at my parents until late, so we had devotions with them before we headed home. Their devotion book was a little diffrent from ours, with a "Key Lesson" at the end. We were giving our best guess (like "practice obedience", "obey always" ect) when Grace piped up with her guess "Put the bread in the toaster"

I asked Grace to clean her room. A few minutes later she was back in my room.
"Did you clean your room?" I asked
"No, I don't want to" She said "I just want to glorify God."

She was drawing/practicing her letters on her easel "I just wrote disobedience" she said.

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