Saturday, May 10, 2008


Overall, this week has been slow. I have had to cancel most of my plans due to not feeling well, so we have just been hanging out at home.

This morning, when Gunnar sat down to read the paper, he noticed two vultures and a coyote in the back yard. He checked on the kittens and the chickens and they were fine. The mother cat, however is no where to be found. She normal hangs out right behind our back door. We think she was probably a domesticated cat at one point as she doesnt' run from us like the other cats do. She doesn't normally stray from this area, and gets rather territorial if you get to close to her kittens. We waited around and looked for her for a couple hours and upon no sight of her decided to call a vet and get some advice on what to do. They said that the kittens should be in a warm place, seeing as they won't have their mother to keep them warm. The vet also suggested getting some kitten formula for them. They should be able to figure out how to drink their food from a dish soon.

Anyways, I am pretty sad about it. Oh, and if you are interested in adopting a kitten, let me know. On a positive note, as sad as I am about it, I take consolation that Guapo is out of danger at my parents house and at least he didn't get eaten. That would have been really depressing.
Grace is super excited to be able to see the kittens up close.
There is the mother cat a couple days ago, drinking out of Grace's pool.

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