Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grace's going ons

Grace is now 4 and a half, which was very exciting for her. We started Kindergarten (at home) a year early, becuase I felt like she was ready scholastically and it didn't make sense, if we are homeschooling anyways, to spend another year going over shapes and colors when she is ready to learn to read and what not. She LOVES it and is super excited to do school every day. I find it slightly exhausting to have my mornings tied up teaching, but enjoy it, especially since she is such an eager and smart student.
In Kindergarten we made family flashcards with her relatives pictures, name and relation to her on them and we pray through those every day (by the way, if you have specific prayer request, let me know, it is easier when we have specific things to pray for).
She continues to enjoy helping and all things that she thinks are "grown up." She can't wait to be a teenager. She recently has decided her goal is to grow up, live in her own home and eat cake every day. Such high goals for one so young.
The other day she came up and told me she was going to hold her pillow up to heaven becuase that way God could see how much she loves him. Because "a heart means love." She is very affectionate and loves writing notes. She has begun correspondence with her cousin Elena's great grandpa who was recently widowed and has enjoyed having a pen pal. She prays for him and my grandpa faithfully that God would comfort them with the loss of their wives. So sweet.

Grace is also in love with all things cowgirl. I wish my grandma were around to see it. She loves any opportunity to sport her boots. She is such a good big sister and loves helping Elizabeth out.
At the Wild Animal Park Grace tried out her acrobat skills. I am not sure she is quite ready for the circus just yet, but she is off to a great start.
Grace and I met up with her bff Lilah and her mom to see a play. The girls are 5 months apart and always have so much fun together. They are very similar so hanging out with the two of them you know something funny is always being said.
Funny, chearful, full of energy and a mind that goes a mile a minute. I can't imagine life without Grace in it to make me laugh.

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