Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day

Between the holiday and Gunnar being sick I have gotten a bit behind on my blogging. I am hoping now that the summer is over that life will be getting a little less hectic, but of course, I really doubt it.

My family all came up for Labor day, which was fun. We have wanted to have everyone up the same day so we could recreate a picture from our childhood. Unfortunately, this required us to catch four of our nine chickens. Michael and Maria were able to secure theirs on their own, I needed a little help from Gunnar.
Here is the picture we were trying to recreate. I think I have posted it before, because it is one of my favorites. I mean, really, such a classic. We tried to recreate our outfits as much as possible, but unfortunately, I no longer own aqua culottes.

Here is our "remake." I love how Michael looks exactly the same.
Here are an outtake:And a fun one:
And here is a group shot. The first since Elena came along.
Grace was so excited to have all the family up. As they were arriving I heard her yelling out the front window "Hello Grandma, Hello, Grandpa, Hello Uncle Mike, Hello Uncle Danny...." When she heard me come in the room she turned to me with a huge smile on her face and said "I was just saying Hi to my friends." She loves having people around, especially people that give her lots of attention.

Walking back from the chickens with Grandpa

Hanging out with Grandma

Grace sat with Grandma and held Elena for a long time. It was so cute, she would rub the babies back and talk to her in a cute baby voice. She sure loves her little cousin! Elena, (and her parents) are very sweet to put up with all Grace's "love."

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