Tuesday, June 3, 2008


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Grace enjoying her new room.

Grace napping in mommy's room while Tia (aka the painting fairy) works away

I had no idea a cord of wood was so much wood! Thankfully, Gunnar did the stacking. :) We should be warm for a least a little while this winter.

As much as I am trying to resist getting attached to the kittens, it not going so well. Maria helped us name them when she was up last weekend. The stripped one (above) is named Tuna, and the black and white one (below) is named Oreo.
The other day as I was doing dishes Grace says "Mommy, the kitten is very high. He is very high. The kitten is very high" She said it more times than that because I wasn't paying attention. Sure enough though when I looked, she was right.
Gunnar found a way to help his back problems. He made a makeshift rowing machine. Grace insisted on exercising with him. It was too funny. Especially when she started counting aloud. "two, three, five, six, seven, twelve, eight, nine.."

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