Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Out side time

In the breaks between the rain, the girls and I have been playing outside. It is nice that it isn't too hot, even if it is all muddy. It is nice that Elizabeth is now old enough to run around and enjoy the outdoors.

I get bored easily being outside, so I take pictures. It gives me a chance to practice my skills, plus, who can resist a face this cute??

Grace doesn't always enjoy getting her picture taken. She would prefer to dance.
Or take silly pictures.
But on occasion, she cooperates. As does the light. This may in fact be the best picture I have ever taken.
I also got some good shots of some sisterly interaction. As you can see, it is hard being the little sister.

This was Elizabeth's first time interacting much with Oreo, the cat. The funny thing is that Oreo doesn't usually like people very much. But she totally let Elizabeth pet her.
It was super cute.

Unfortunately, Oreo isn't a good conversationalist. But then again, neither is Ellie.

And one more for that animal people out there.

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