Thursday, August 12, 2010

What I've been doing intstead of blogging

If you ever check this blog, you might have noticed, that I haven't been keeping up on it lately. And by lately, I mean almost two months. I don't really have a good excuse other than I have been doing other stuff. So I figure I will take the next week to update some quick overviews on what I have been up to with my time since I haven't been blogging.

I thought I would start with my crafts, becuase I don't have to sort through lots of pictures. Tomorrow, however, I will post pictures of my beautiful daughters, becuase I know you are all bigger fan of them anyways.

So knitting wise, I learned how to use four double pointed needles (exciting, huh?) and I made a pair of socks. I had trouble wearing them and taking pictures of them at the same time.
I also made a picnic quilt that turns folds into a kind of pillow/purse for easy transport. I made it for my first great niece who was born this spring. I loved it so much I almost tried to keep it for myself. In an effort to keep myself honest, I put the baby's initials on the pocket so that I would have to give it to her.

There's the front. And the dog. She wouldn't move.
And the back.
And folded it.
I also learned to knit on a circular needle, which was fun. I made these hats for some friends who wore them to comic-con.
Tomorrow I will start with sharing our summer activities, and then my big big big project. I am very excited. Aren't you??

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