Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm back!

Well, I think I am going to try to get back into blogging. Don't worry, you really haven't missed much the last couple months. I can sum it up pretty easily. Starting new years eve, until about a week or two ago, I was out for the count with morning sickness. We pretty much stayed close to home except for the bare necessities, like trips to the midwife and such.

Our 7th anniversary (02.02.09) we spent the night down town, and Grace spent her first night away from us. She spent the night with my parents. For her first time away, she did great. And my great, I mean that the only time she got upset was when we came to pick her up. She was even too busy to talk on the phone the couple times we called. Ever since then she has been asking if mom and dad were going to have another anniversary so she can stay at Grandma and Grandpa's again.

We had a small family get together on Grace's 3rd birthday. We got together at my parents house, so that we were the only ones who had to do the drive. Grace loved her birthday presents from everyone, and had a fabulous time being the center of attention.

The last couple weeks we have been taking our turns with the cold bug that has been going around. So although the morning sickness is over, I still have been sticking close to home. Grace actually ended up spending two more nights at Grandma and Grandpa Hilton's house, as Gunnar and I were both down for the count. She has been healthy so far, so hopefully she stays that way.

Other than that, Lance Armstrong cycled down the street in front of our church. Gunnar was in the local Road Runner newspaper. Grace started home school preschool and loves it. Grace has become a huge "Candy Land" fan and we play almost daily.

I will post again soon with pictures and an update about the pregnancy. Right now though, I think I am going to take a nap. :)

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