Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Tiny Ballerina Pianist

One of Gunnar's gifts is the ability to be a great gift giver. He has the ability to figure out what someone would like and then has the decisiveness to buy it for them. I am terrible at this, so we make a perfect pair. I never ceased to be amazed at his ability to find the perfect gift (you can just ask my brother Michael about the keg of root beer).

Yesterday he had another one of his strokes of genius and he came home with a tutu for Elizabeth. He thought she might enjoy being able to pretend to be a ballerina and dance around with Grace. She LOVED it. Her little expressive face lit up and she was so excited to put it on. She pranced around on her tippy-toes in the livingroom. Grace of course had to don her ballet outfit and join her. They were so cute dancing together.

This picture of her chubby little legs makes me want to immediately drop everything and go knit some tiny legwarmers.
After a while of dancing, Elizabeth decided she would rather play the piano while Grace danced. With the light from the open door shining in on her, Elizabeth looked straight out of a painting sitting there at the piano. Sometimes I have to do a double take, with those blond ringlets and angelic cheeks, I think a porcelain doll has appeared in my house. Oh course, about that time, she pulls out a pen and marks up the couch or throws something in the toilet, and the moment passes. :)
Such the perfect little performer.
Like her mama, she thinks she is SOO funny sometimes.
She decided to try to play a little by ear. :) Either that, or it was getting close to nap time and she was ready for her nap.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Unbelievably sweet! Love you guys.