Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

6 Years of Married Blyss
5 Homes
4 Cars
3 Employers
2 Babies
1 True Love
Thank you Gunnar for marrying me.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for taking such good care of me.
Thank you for enabling for me to fufill my life dream of being a pastor's wife and mommy.
Thank you for always putting the gas in my car for me.
Thank you for getting up with Grace in the morning.
Thank you for all those nights you got up to take Guapo out when he was a puppy.
Thank you for working so hard and sacrificing so I can stay home with Grace.
Thank you for loving our little girl and being such a good daddy.
Most of all,
Thank you for being a godly man and a good spiritual leader.
Thank you for putting God first and being willing to do whatever He wants us to do.

I love you!
Happy Anniversary!

Here are some pictures, one from each year we have known each other. Oh the memories!

Our first picture together: Dec 8th, 2000. We went bowling after my 18th birthday party.
That is our friend Randy in the background, who we are still good friends with.

Shorty after we got engaged, October 2001. Gunnar was on duty, but stoped by the Bible study I was at on his break.

2002 Wedding day, 02/02/2002

2003On Christmas vacation to the Grand Canyon with our wonderful friends the Olivas.

2004May 2004, Trip to Hawaii to celebrate Gunnar's graduation from Bible College

2005October 2005, at a friend's wedding. Five months pregnant with Grace.

2006September 2006, Family Vacation to Jenness Park in Northern California.

2007 May 4th, 2007, Gunnar's Gradutation from Seminary.

Last night we went out to dessert to celebrate our anniversary.

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