Monday, August 22, 2011

July week 5

July 25: VBS is off to a hopping good start!

Aside from a small learning curve, the first day of VBS went off well. Grace and her friend Lilah enjoyed racing around the track on the bouncy balls. I think a good time was had by all!

July 26: The many looks of VBS

One of the fun things about VBS is dressing up every day. Last year was easy, becuase I dressed as a cowgirl every day. This year, with the New York theme I had to be a bit more imaginative. So I was a tourist, singer, firefighter, police woman and a diner waitress. Grace's favorite, of course was the fancy dress that she thought looked "part princess, part ballerina, and part bride." Which in Grace language is the highest complement known to man.

July 27: Good friends and good attendance

This was my favorite picture from VBS that day. Not only do I love that our good friends from Mongolia were in town. But look at all those kids!! And this was only the preschool group! I was so blessed by the attendance this year. I think God is doing good things at Valley Baptist, and I am so thankful!

July 28: VBS day 4

Grandma and Grandpa came up for VBS. My mom loves VBS, so it must run in the family, as my girls and I are all big VBS fans as well. Ellie enjoyed the extra grandma time. My parents also made us lunch so by the time we got home from cleaning up and after VBS prayer time, lunch was waiting on the table. Talk about a great day!

July 29: Going out with a splash!

For the last day of VBS we had a jello pit tug of war! The littlest group only got their feet wet (they would drop the rope as soon as they got too close). But the bigger kids got pretty messy. It was a fun way to end a fun week.

July 30: A glass of milk for the little lady

What do you do the Saturday after VBS when your sweet little one wakes up ready for the day at 5:30 in the morning? Why family Starbucks run, of course! I am not a coffee or caffeine person, but desperate times call for desperate measures. After my latte, I came home and was SUPER productive, well, at least until the caffeine high wore off.

July 31: Sneaky, sneaky

At the church BBQ we looked over to see Elizabeth and her friend Lilah sneaking treats. They were sitting in the big gazebo with guilty looks on their faces. Good one, girls, good one.

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