Tuesday, August 16, 2011

July week 2

July 4: Happy Birthday America!

We spent a wonderful 4th of July at our friends the Yost. It was a warm Valley Center summer day and the kids enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool and blowing bubbles while Gunnar and the guys played horse shoes.

July 5: Surprise Lunch Date

Due to a slight scheduling error, we ended up on a surprise date. We were at one of our very favorite restaurants in the world, Mario's of La Mesa. Less than a block walking distance from where we used to live, we would walk over there and eat often when we lived there. When I was pregnant with Grace especially, I was In LOVE with their salsa. It was such a treat and fun afternoon!

June 6: BFF's

We celebrated Grace's friend Lilah's 5th with cupcakes after Bible study. These two are good friends and so cute together.They have very similar personalities so it seems like they are either best friends or at each others throats. You really can't get much cuter than these two though, especially when we looked over at Bible study to see them snuggling.

July 7: Baby Bubble

Gunnar and I went out for a lunch appointment so the girls spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's. By the time we got back they were dirty and tired but had obviously had a lot of fun. We hung around long enough for some extra bubble time with Grandpa before we headed home...and straight to bed!

July 8: Bye-bye, Bye-bye

Elizabeth's most recent favorite word is "bye-bye." I am not sure if it has something to do with her slightly anti-social personality or if it is just fun and repetitive thing to say. Either way, she looks for any excuse to say it, including hiding herself in her daddy's closet.

July 9: Such a good daddy

Since I was a bit under the weather, Gunnar took the girls with him to run errands (and to check out the new Costco). They made a pit stop at the house between stops and I watched the girls in the car while Gunnar ran into the house. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who takes such good care of me, especially when I am sick.

July 10: Little Bunny foo-foo

There is a rabbit that has been frequenting our front yard. The girls love watching him as he nibbles on the fruit that has fallen from our trees. Grace has named him "Cottontail" and he (or she) provides the perfect before bed entertainment!

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