Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spain trip (First 5 days)

I know I am way overdue to blog. But, well, I am so behind on life in general there is no point in apologizing anymore. But here is the first kind of sneak preview to our Spain/Italy trip. The first 5 days anyways. I thought sharing my "Picture of the day" would give you an update that will last until I have time (someday) to post the rest of the pictures. I will post the picture of the day for the rest of our trip in the next few days and then when at some point I have more time I'll finish up the rest.

September 5: We're off!!

Grace was so excited to get on her first airplane ride since she was 9 months. Her bag was packed and she waited with excitement. The plane ride did not disappoint. She loved the excitement, her new airplane treats and did AWESOME! Both her and Ellie slept on the plane which made the 11 hours pass uneventfully.

September 6: Spain at last!

After literally carrying girls and bags while RUNNING through the Madrid airport, we boarded our flight and finally landed in Jerez. The small Jerez airport hadn't changed much in the 15 years since I had last flown there. We were so excited to finally be there! We spent the afternoon getting settled in and acclimated to our beach condo, dinner in my hometown and finally to bed after a long two days!

September 7: What we have been waiting for

In her first morning in Spain, we were able to introduce Grace to the wonder of Cola-Cao. Gunnar was able to reacquaint himself with a Cafe con Leche, so pretty much we were happy campers all around. Although we hadn't really slept the night before (thanks, jetlag!) we were so excited to be in Spain and had a wonderful relaxing day!

September 8: Elizabeth's new best friend

Within hours of getting to Italy, our dear friend Susan found the way to endear herself to Ellie. Yes, that is gellato and yes, Elizabeth was a fan. A HUGE fan. She scarfed it down super quickly, all the while looking around making sure no one was going to take it away from her. Ahh, we could get used to this Italian tradition!

September 9: Birthday Sightseeing

We spent Gunnar's birthday walking around Florence. We all had a great time hanging out with our friends and seeing the sights of this beautiful city. The day ended with delicious pizza and cappuccino. What could be better?

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